The Mystery of Life

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Preface - The mystery of life

Have you ever tried to make sense of the routine activities we engage in day after day?  The sun comes up.  We go to work or school.  We eat, we play, we watch television, interact with family and friends, and we sleep.  We do this day after day, and while we are doing it, we grow old, and eventually we die.  Sounds rather mundane does it not; but from the cradle to the grave, many are going through the repetitious routines of life without giving pause to seriously consider the most important questions presented to our minds through the struggles and triumphs people experience on life’s journey.  We have come a long way in terms of human progress, but some very basic questions that have plagued mankind throughout history remain with us today.  Many people are privileged to live in prosperity, and yet poverty is seen everywhere we look.  We, who grew up in America, have had the opportunity for a great education coupled with unprecedented prosperity; and yet laziness, ignorance, hatred, and racial prejudice are far too pervasive in our society. The marvels of modern invention have made our lives easier in many ways, but what good is new technology when our relationships are falling apart?  Many people have looked to America for diplomacy during times of human conflict, and yet war, hatred, greed, racism, lawlessness, and widespread corruption continue to dominate the headlines worldwide. 


The 21st century is characterized by a new threat to civilized culture, which could never have been imagined by the grandparents and parents of generations past.  The news media is dominated by civil unrest and crimes against humanity as radicalized religious zealots as well as domestic terrorists spread hatred, murder, and chaos in the hope of subjugating those who view life differently than they do.  In committing acts of hatred without conscience, they show no mercy to the young and old alike.  We live in a dangerous world of extreme political, religious, and moral ideology inciting hateful violence of a type that is unprecedented in recent memory.  Attacks of deadly brutality are waged against western targets and urban centers because of bitter hatred and a misguided ambition to dictate radical views and to cancel those who do not comply.  We should have provided a safer world for our children and grandchildren to grow up in; but the truth is we are living in a very perilous time.  Through self-indulgence and prideful living, many have pursued pleasure and wealth only to discover these objectives have left them dreadfully empty of the fulfillment they desire. What is wrong with today’s modern world?  Why does life seem terribly void of purpose to so many, even in a culture as affluent as ours?  I invite you to consider the content of these chapters. Perhaps you will discover a worldview that can transform your life and bring hope, purpose, and meaning to all your tomorrows. 


Life is a mystery, but it does not have to remain that way for you and the people you love. The word mystery means: “something not fully understood; a religious truth comprehensible only by divine revelation;” or “something beyond human understanding that remains so obscure as to excite curiosity;” or “that which is incapable of understanding by mere reason, but must be revealed.” The mystery of life has been revealed!  You are about to discover the systematic unveiling of a philosophical enigma that has plagued our world from the beginning of time and remains heavily upon our hearts and minds yet today.